Humanity Protocol and LayerZero Join Forces to Bring Proof of Humanity to Over 50 Chains

Humanity Protocol and LayerZero have teamed up to transform digital identity verification across more than 50 chains.
This collaboration is set to improve trust, security, and authenticity for users interacting with decentralized applications (dApps) worldwide.
LayerZero, a leading interoperability protocol, empowers developers with essential tools for seamless data movement, token issuance, and dApp development across multiple blockchains. 
By supporting Humanity Protocol’s zkProofer Network, LayerZero will play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of decentralized governance and fairdrops, significantly reducing fraud across various chains through the Proof of Humanity (PoH) system.
The integration between Humanity Protocol and LayerZero signifies a shared commitment to scalability, interoperability, and user-centric innovation within decentralized ecosystems. 
Leveraging LayerZero’s expertise in omnichain communication and lightweight client architecture, users can anticipate a more secure and streamlined experience across a diverse range of blockchain networks.
Key Points

Enhanced Security and Authenticity: LayerZero’s integration with Humanity Protocol’s PoH system will ensure the authenticity of users’ identities, fostering trust and transparency in decentralized interactions.
Privacy-Focused Verification: Humanity zkProofers within Humanity Protocol’s network, including LayerZero, utilize zero-knowledge proofs to verify credentials and presentations without compromising user privacy.
Combatting Bots and Fraud: The usage of LayerZero aims to eliminate fraudulent activities by verifying the identities of all parties involved in transactions, reducing the risk of scams and enhancing transaction security.
Equitable Opportunities: Users on LayerZero-supported chains will benefit from a more democratic on-chain governance system, where voting and participation are tied to real human identities, promoting fairness and transparency.

Terence Kwok, Founder of Humanity Protocol, remarked: “Humanity Protocol is committed to giving users full control over their data and identity. Our usage of LayerZero is a major leap towards achieving true authenticity and fairness in decentralized ecosystems. 
We envision a future where every digital interaction is secured, private, and verified, enabling a more trustworthy and inclusive blockchain environment. This partnership marks the beginning of a new era in digital identity verification, and we are excited about the transformative impact it will have on the entire Web3 space.”
Simon Baksys, VP of Business Development of LayerZero, expressed his enthusiasm: “Humanity Protocol is taking a novel approach to solving digital identity at scale. It is an excellent use case for zero knowledge proofs and decentralised infrastructure, which we at LayerZero are excited to support as the default interoperability partner.”
The partnership between Humanity Protocol and LayerZero paves the way for a more secure, transparent, and user-centric decentralized future.
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